Aventuras e Desventuras de Julieta Pipi ou o Processo Intrínseco Global Kafkiano de uma Vedeta Não Analisado por Freud
Óscar Alves

The opening sequence of Adventures and Misadventures of Julieta Pipi clearly trumpets the film’s theme. Images of 1970s Los Angeles, and a departure from LAX, give way to Lisbon airport, where internationally famous actress Julieta Pipi (Belle Dominique) has just arrived. Miss Pipi gets ready for a tense press conference, to take place in her palace on the outskirts of town. Faced with questions that are at times political, others intellectual, and even frankly and inquisitively sexual, Pipi defends herself in her Italian accent (a leftover from her latest film, shot in Italy) from all provocations, and even skirts the impertinent questions on her acting background. With the press conference as its backbone, the film delves into Pipi’s career and past glories through a series of flashbacks. 

/ Details

Year: 1978

Country: Portugal

Language: Portuguese

Subtitles: No Subtitles

With: Bell Dominique, Fernando Silva, Domingos Oliveira, José Cyr, José Manuel Rodrigues, João Carlos, Joaquim Soares, Linda Cristal, Dina, João Paulo Ferreira, José António, Cecília Silva, João Morais, Constança, Lucinda Maria, Doro, Magda, Gualter Louro, Tété Patin, A. Magritte, João Nunes, João Redondeiro, Manuel Barroso, Carlos Valentim, Armando Pires, Jaime Lucas, Jorge Martins, Maria Guarengueta, Efigénio Pinheiro, Guida Scarllaty

/ Direction

Óscar Alves

Born in Porto, Portugal, he studied drawing, painting, and sculpture with Maria Lúcia Carneiro and Oldemiro Carneiro, while simultaneously studying at the Fine Arts School of Porto. He was a regular collaborator of one of the most important intellectual magazines of the time, Bandarra. As an actor, he worked at the Teatro Experimental do Porto (TEP), run by António Pedro. When moving to Lisbon, he exhibits at the Sociedade Nacional de Belas‐Artes (SNBA) and is cast as an actor of the Teatro Monumental theatre company, where, alongside Laura Alves and Paulo Renato, he plays Shakespeare’s The Taming of the Shrew, among other plays. In this period, he commences his television career as a leading actor in television plays such as Shakespeare’s The Two Gentlemen of Verona, and Almeida Garrett’s Falar a Verdade a Mentir. With poet Natália Correia, he organizes, at the SNBA, a controversial show on surrealist poetry. By this time, his art work is already integrated in the art gallery circuit. In the 1970’s he experiments with film directing. In 1980 he definitively abandons showbiz, moving to Madrid.

He returns to Lisbon in 1985, accepting an invitation from Portuguese TV to direct a program on visual arts and, one year latter, a program on the show business world. He returns briefly to Madrid to work with Spanish TV for a documentary on the Salvador Dali retrospective. Since then, Óscar Alves has had several of his works sold at Christie’s London and New York and exhibits regularly in Madrid and in Italy. Alongside Domingos Oliveira, he runs the Atelier de Artistas art gallery, at the Twin Towers, in Lisbon.


1978 – Good‐Bye, Chicago (Short Fiction)
1978 – Aventuras e Desventuras de Julieta Pipi (Feature Film) 
1976 – Solidão Povoada (Feature Film)
1975 – Charme Indiscreto de Epifânea Sacadura (Short Fiction)

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