
Besire Paralik
Documentary : 58' / Borders, Community, Conflict

Through diverse interviews, the film tells the story of the division of Cyprus from a queer-feminist perspective; it explores how the opening and closing of the checkpoints, as the sole passageways between north and south, have impacted the lives of Cypriots while revealing their struggles against the ongoing division of the island and their efforts towards a more united future.


September 25 | 18h00 | Cinema São Jorge - Sala 2
QL - Queer Focus

/ Details

Year: 2023

Country: Cyprus

Language: english, turkish and greek

Subtitles: english

/ Direction

Besire Paralik


Besire Paralik is a queer feminist activist from Cyprus. After completing MA in Social Psychology (Lund University) and MSc in Gender Studies (Linköping University), she moved to Berlin. She attended Wave Akademie Berlin, where she studied Film Production and Directing. She currently works as a freelance videographer, focusing her video activism on art, gender, migration and border policies.


2023 - Overcoming (Documentary) 

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